Mission, vision and values.



To integrate a community with a high academic level that works in the solid formation of autonomous, critic, propositive citizens and professionals with a sense and value of ethics, responsible towards society, respectful of the natural environment and cultural diversity. This community assumes as a task the development, Access, preservation and diffusion of sciences, arts, humanities and technologies that contribute opportunely to the social improval of the level of human development, particularly in its area of influence; as well as the strengthening of the academic project of the UAM.

Vision towards 2024

To build individuals able to unfold professional and personally in a global and multipolar world, with empathy, and preoccupied with the sustainable development of the planet.


The Cuajimalpa campus has an unbreakable commitment with the practice of the following values in the undertaking of its functions:

  1. Quality, equality, justice and solidarity, acknowledged as fundamental values in the work of the university community. Which imply the pertinence, relevance, equality of opportunities and promotion of actions that in the quest for common wellbeing improve the living conditions and limit the situations of social exclusion.
  2. Respect and inclusion, considered as the solid foundation of a community that develops in harmony and peace. These imply the acknowledgment of diversity and the appreciation of others, as well as the capacity to relate and work with others, in a mutual commitment to with the development of a fair and democratic society.
  3. Universality, understood as the openness to the vast intellectual trends and the multiple sociocultural contexts in which the work of the university community must develop.
  4. Wisdom, conceived as the development of intellectual and material creativity, the exercise of reflection, dialogue and sound judgement, based on experience and knowledge, in the undertaking of our actions towards the fulfillment of our Mission and the academic project of our campus.
  5. Honesty, understood as a reflective practice by the diverse institutional, individual and groupal agents that constitute the University, in the search for compliance with its sociohistorical context, its saying and doing, as a pillar in which the university life must be grounded, as well as the professional development of its graduates.
  6. Freedom, objectivity and academic rigour to fulfill the Mission and the academic project of the institution. They constitute the fundamental foundations for the search of truth, understood as an ideal principle.

Línea de Asistencia Psicológica UAM
UAM Radio 94.1 FM
Defensoría de los Derechos Universitarios
Tesorería Adjunta de Control Patrimonial