The education model of the UAM Cuajimalpa.


An education model comprises several elements: philosophical, social, theoretical, and political. Among them is included the curricular aspects the determine the orientation, structure and process of teaching-learning, within a network of social relationships in each of the institutions of higher education.

The education model of the Campus Cuajimalpa aims at facing the current needs of the society with the following mission: to link the teaching-learning process with the sustainable development of the area where it delves, trough the establishment of relationships among the elements of the education and the university tasks such as the generation, transmission, implementation, and diffusion of knowledge with social actors (UAM, 2005).

The academic organization that has been characteristic of the UAM is based on an innovative model named “Modelo Departamental” (departmental model) which arises in 1974 as al alternative scheme to the existing educational models in Mexico at the time, which where formed fundamentally by schools and faculties (UAM, 2005). Besides this, the UAM- Cuajimalpa considers that an educational model of higher level should make reference to the tasks of professional and scientific framing as well as the scientific research and technological development. In this context, the campus Cuajimapla proposes as goals of its values: a humanistic, scientific, creative and interdisciplinary education with a flexible, innovative and socially relevant formation.

The pedagogic model of the Cuajimalpa Campus focuses on the learning of the alumni above the concepts given by the professor. It acknowledges the reciprocity of the interaction between the academic staff and students where the concepts, skills and attitudes to face with success a society of knowledge develop. For that reason it requires a didactic support that allows pondering the dimension of the learning process in the classroom, taking into consideration that the design as well as the implementation of programs in the UEA must have as a starting point the outline of learning experiences. These experiences must be evaluated and considered a feedback in the discussion and work of the academic groups for the adequate undertaking of the goals set within the Cuajimalpa Campus.

The work of academic formation will be aimed towards the specific didactics of design of learning experiences that allow the operation of subjects, workshops, seminars and educational units following ‘problems’ (modules). The learning skills of the students must encourage structuring and building cognitive structures, for this reason it must be grounded on relevant experiences about learning. In the didactic proposal of the Cuajimalpa Campus it is considered: learning skills aimed at cognitive processes, namely the development of cognitive structures and as such the abilities towards work with aptitudes towards knowledge and its affinities; learning tools that aim at the specific languages of the disciplinary areas, in sciences as well as humanities and arts; and to learn on problems that allows to focus the actions on a level of theoretical, technical and methodological integration towards the implementation of the different practices on the professional field.

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