Natural sciences and engineering (DCNI from the Spanish abbreviation).


The Natural Sciences and Engineering (DCNI) was created with the goal of developing a meeting point for the basic sciences and Biology with those in the field of Mathematics and Engineering, in this way providing spaces of convergence for the integration of knowledge and the development of technological application.

The DCNI encourages a fertile academic environment where the chore tasks of the UAM are priviledged through education, research of excellence, preservation and difusion of culture; in addition to innovation, an oppenes to novel ideas, interdisciplinary practice and the participation of networks. This environment is sought after through the promotion of transversal groups within the DCNI grouped around the relevant topics for sciences, technology and innovation, in order to stand up to the commitment with the creation of knowledge, the upbringing of students to the bachelor and postgraduate level, as well as connecting to the outside with academic, productive and social fields. In the long run it is sought that this effort evolves into an identity of itself and a special dynamic between the national and foreign academic institutions.


The DCNI mission is to integrate a community of high level academics working towards the solid upbringing of citizens, and autonomous, critic, proactive proffesionals with ethical values and scope, responsible towards society, respectful of the environment and cultural diversity, and particularly commited to the border between natural sciences and engineering. This community asumes as its task the development, application, preservation and diffusion of sciences and technologies that contribute appropriately to the improvement of the level of human development in society, and particularly in its area of influence; as well as to the strenghtening of the academic project of the UAM.

Vision towards 2024

In 2024 the DCNI has achieved a high recognition level, nationaly as well as internationaly, due to its relevant contributions to the development of society, through the generation and application of scientific and technological knowledge, in addition to the quality of its students education in the bachelor’s and postgraduate’s programs.

Director’s message

The Division of Communication Sciences and Design represents a unique space in the country through the integration of different proffesional fields and the knowledge that have been undertaken separately in the traditional academis structures. The articulation of the Communication Sciences, Design, as well as Technologies and Systems of Information has allowed us to stand up to the challenges of an interconected world and in constant transformation, where solutions to the problems that affect us all are never in an individual work or the disciplinary hyperspecialization specialization, but lye on the collective and interdisciplinary scope. If indeed we have proffesors with the highest formation level and external recognitions, in opposite of locking us up in an ivory tower that isolates the academic tasks from the society, in the DCCD we teach and research as an alternative to reach the efective transformation of our surrounding. Our academic activities are developed according to that spirit, aiming to join the specific knowledges in order to become a tool to face the relevant problems through projects with a high social bond, in our bachelors and postgraduate programs, as well as in the scope of the research work developed by our reserch-proffessors.

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